Born Unto Us
Date: Monday, 1st August 2005 @ 06:43:04 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: spike

("The Work of His Hands" 2004 by Gary B. Clark)

In the vessel of my wife,
The makings of another life
Shaped by a master potter’s hands,
The fashioning of clay

A soul in sublunary guise,
Joins in Nature’s sweet reprise
And dreams within it's amber world
Of things unknown by name

Guided by a primal course
That spells Creation’s complex verse,
An ancient song that sings the years
Brings forth its given time

Through the silence of the morn,
A kindred soul to mine is born
A single cry to herald life
Into the newborn day

Who would think a simple seed
Could mingle with the fertile bed
And yield a thing that holds us still,
To marvel at our grace

A child wrapped in swaddling clothes
Quiet now in sleep’s repose,
A life from lives that hardly lived
Until this very day

Who’s to know the path ahead
Will guide to light or steer to dread
The wishful things of every heart,
Save promise what can be

The treasure of every child,
As fragile as the world is wild
But here, pressed to a mother’s lips
Is the wellspring of our hope.

This poem is Copyright © spike

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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