That Girl
Date: Monday, 1st August 2005 @ 08:04:43 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: deadheadpoet

You list your occupation as looking sexy
Well, honey how much does that pay?
Whatcha got to do, little girl
to earn a buck by the end of the day?

You say you look like Angelina Jolie
What mirror do you look in?
Try and fool the ones who can't see you
Does it make you feel good?

You say you think yourself so beautiful
but see it's the inside that counts
No one takes you seriously anymore
We realize it's due to your mental health

Yeah, I may be older, but wiser too
had two children and may not be so lean
I am still beautiful though sister
You see, I live with my conscience clean

You told so many lies
it must be hard to keep them all straight
you have a husband, boyfriend, and a new lover
I guess that would be one for each personality
on any given day

One time you write your a christian
(that one makes me laugh)
and pray for someones elses soul
next day you comment your an atheist
Honey, you just can't be both

Oh, I know you'll retort with vulgar words
Threaten, curse and carry on
You do it each and everytime
Lie somemore and try to cover your butt,
go to Peter and whine

You've lost all friends out on the road
Everyone is just done with all your crap
Go hit yourself, blame it on me
My lord girl, really, what is up with that

I've never known someone like you
so much of a chameleon you can be
I can honestly say in the beginning
your sad stories fooled even me

Well, karma will get you Britt
it's gonna slap ya up side your head
Gonna make you pay, I'm telling you
For all the lies you've said

Laura Horner 8-1-05

This poem is Copyright © deadheadpoet

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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