Date: Friday, 1st December 2006 @ 04:11:27 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: tifrob

Two weeks is time enough,
To clean up what the men messed up,
Time enough to state the facts,
No wishy-washy ~ This-and-that,
Foreign affairs is such a mess,
Thank God ~ Our Land Is Blessed,
Helping others is nice to do,
But it’s not help ~ If they don’t “thank you”,
Being invited to a war,
Is preferred to blowing down doors,
With no invite ~ You just don’t go,
Death can wait for those souls,
Now, on to finding just one man,
Who roams the mountains in Afghanistan,
It does not take the Army and Marines,
Hire three good assassins ~ Three unseen,
Pay them well and trust in truth,
All the while you’re saving our youth,
Next on the list ~ Is countries that hate,
They make it well known to the United States,
They burn American Flags for all to see,
As they rant and rave in effigy,
Not a problem ~ Just let them be,
Let them hate ~ The Land of the Free,
When their world is falling apart,
When they cry of pain and broken hearts,
As death tolls grow and infections set in,
And they need doctors, nurses and medicine,
As their hunger grows and their babies die,
Will they miss America during these times?
You can’t buy friends ~ It’s been said,
Sometimes it hurts to turn your head,
America has some problems of her own,
Fixing them would be easier if she stayed home,
There is hunger right here in the U. S. of A,
There is no reason for this today,
Lady Liberty also has her sick and hurt,
With no insurance they just get worse,
This is wrong and it should cease,
Along with the homeless who live on the streets,
“We take care of our own” ~ It’s nice to hear,
The simple truth is ~ These words aren’t sincere,
“We feed Americans first” ~ It has to be,
This should be America’s Decree,
“America the Great” ~ It was once said,
But that America ~ Is almost dead…
Politicians who were voted in,
Has torn her apart limb-by-limb,
Spending here ~ Giving there,
Taking pay raises year after year,
Saying the Pledge and Prayers too,
Are no longer the things to do,
The Ten Commandments ~ No longer displayed,
No longer needed in America today,
The same America where immigrants flocked,
Where the tired and poor once came and docked,
So, Lady Liberty has grown with age,
She is no longer the land of yesterday,
Some have taken issues with the forefather’s rights,
And now, America has lost her sights.


Two weeks with polling booths in place,
This will not be a political race,
All fifty states will vote the issues,
Majority wins so don’t be confused,
If the losers can’t live in the land they chose,
Those are the breaks ~ That’s how it goes,
Hate America ~ She’s gone - Off foreign land,
Remember that when you need a helping hand,
Bring your war to America’s coast,
And your homeland ~ Just became toast.


Write me in November 2008. I figure TWO WEEKS is all it would take before some one assassinates me… Oh well, that’s life!

This poem is Copyright © tifrob

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