The negativity of a wondering mind
Date: Monday, 3rd September 2012 @ 04:51:59 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: desire

I'm feeling a bit lonely today
A feeling that will not go away
A feeling, no one needs to endure
It seems to come on, when I'm unsure
Of all the things going on with me
How I won’t allow, anyone to get too close to see
How insecure and un-attachable I can be
How I rack my brain, trying to understand
Why I can’t give myself, 100% to a man
Why I can’t trust, he will truly love me back
Why self-love, and self-esteem is what I lack
What has happened to me, that at times I feel so low?
Why can’t I shake those feelings, why can’t I let them go?
I could give you, a thousand reasons why
But each one may very well be a lie
Why do I hold on to my past, like an unforgettable old lover?
What is it that I need to discover?
I thought I had buried my past, and moved on
I thought all the pain, and misery was gone
I though finally, I could open my heart, and be free
Why am I letting my fears consume me?
Why is it so easy, for me to allow love, and then push it away?
Why am I so disciplined that way?
Chaos, confusion, and self-pity all seem to be tempting lovers today
And I find it so hard to walk away
So I sit here with all these silly thoughts in my head
When I should be on my knees, at these times instead
All this is what happens, when Satan has his way
Because today was just a day, I let my mind wander away
I was ***** off, about gossip no matter false or true
When all I have to do, is say my heavenly father, I need you
I gave to him the burdens that weighed heavy on my heart, and soul
And all the things, that were out of my control
And he restored, to me a peace of mind
The peace that I was longing for earlier that day, and co unit find
Just a day, a day I let my mind go astray

This poem is Copyright © desire

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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