Christmas Wish
Date: Sunday, 9th December 2012 @ 11:25:55 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: mchall629

The children set in the classroom,
Preparing letters for the North Pole.
Some wish for dolls, bikes, and trains,
Others just hope they get more than coal.

Some of the girls ask for dolls, and dresses,
While the boys want RC cars, and video games.
Some wonder how Santa can get it all done,
Especially remembering all of their names.

With tears in his eyes, one little boy writes,
�Santa, I�m tired of being home alone.
If I had but one wish this Christmas,
It would be to bring my Daddy home.

See my Dad is over there somewhere,
Fighting so those other kids can be free.
Fighting for their independence,
So they have the same liberty as you and me�.

While there isn't much you and I can do,
To honor this little boys request.
We should remember these men and women,
Because of them, we are truly blessed.

I am thankful for these fine soldiers,
That they are doing what they�re called to do.
For they are ready to make the ultimate sacrifice,
To lay down their life for me and you.

Will you say a prayer for them tonight?
Keep them close in your thoughts and mind.
Pray we bring them all back home,
That none of them get left behind.

Keep them safe, and keep up their guard,
Always watching, staying alert.
Soon we can put an end to this thing,
So no one else has to get hurt.

Then all these little boys and girls,
Can get their Christmas wish.
They can have their family home together,
And no more holidays will be missed.

This poem is Copyright © mchall629

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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