Pot, Vodka or House Wine
Date: Saturday, 8th June 2013 @ 05:16:27 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: cherryamber
thats why I need something else, you know
cause my insides don�t do a good enough job of filling
the hole. All the world�s blood in a single transfusion
wouldn�t be enough to quieten down the entity that
screams inside me
If only those hours in solitude could pay your debts
They wouldnt believe me if I spoke about it
anyway - the constant feeling as though you�ve done
As if your presence is enough alone for all the
world�s goodness to be overthrown. and thats why I
need something else? You know. Like pot, vodka or
house wine. Anything that gives me the option of
death or being so wasted you feel dead
That hole in your stomach that can�t be filled with the
mundane of life. All the love, the blood of everyone out
there, would not even filter through a single
This poem is Copyright © cherryamber
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