Inspiration baby
Date: Sunday, 14th June 2015 @ 08:02:25 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: FireStarter
Infinty is what you're worth
I loved you even before your birth
You were a twinkling in my eyes
And in my prayers on the darkest of nights
Your little fingers, ten digits even
You were healthy, smiling and breathing
My dream came true when you smiled at me
You looked at me and made me believe
Your hand folded up against mine
As I thought "we'd have all the time"
I want to see you walk, sit and run
It would make me smile to see you have fun
Your giggles took away all the pain
Now all I wanna do is see you dance in the rain
See you ride a bike, and see you fall down
Show you that you don't have to wear a frown
I want to see you grow up better than me
And give you that choice to be set free
I want to spend all my time with you
So when you grow up you know what to do
This poem is Copyright © FireStarter
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