Caress My Crucifix
Date: Wednesday, 27th July 2016 @ 11:41:16 AM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: unknown_utopia
we were two souls adrift in the life
crippled pilgrims hurting
from the Illusion of love and its lies-
and when she opened up and showed her demons to me
I walked through the wreckage
searching for her heart
in the corrosion and the debris.
Something is always happening
causing a chemical reaction
as emotional torture overwhelmed her
she is in need of a release,
that is when the devil
whispers softly
offering her what she desires
her resistance was futile
her souls on fire,
in deep distress she would call out to me
the unknown hero
and I would embrace her
and keep her warm
although my own demons were causing such anxiety
I also heard the whispers
still I tried my best to help her not to fall.
slowly the addictions are melting
and back to reality she crawls
sensations and temptations keep on knocking
though we try our best they are hard to ignore,
True evil is seductive it makes you weak
when the devil comes knocking
you never see his cloven hooves
when you open the door.
Addiction Addiction
I love you
yes I do...
but I just can not live with that confusion anymore
I have someone to care for
I caress my crucifix
and pray
for the devil to leave me alone.
This poem is Copyright © unknown_utopia
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