The Zodiac Sign ARIES
Date: Thursday, 3rd July 2003 @ 12:35:00 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: Elizabeth_Dandy


March 22-April 21

Hail to the Chief! - the leader of the herd
By skirmish, brawl and fighting undeterred,
Bright shining Number ONE in zodiac's zoo,
Make room for him, or else he will butt through!

This warlord's ruler is the reddish Mars,
The Lord of conflict, wars and scimitars,
Ram is of spirit realms' high descent,
August, - and FIRE is his ELEMENT.

(He'll show you who's the boss in fight and brawl)
The thistle is his special flower. though
She must be meek and take a courteous a bow.

Entrepreneur, courageous, scorning fear,
As freedom-loving ardent pioneer,
His COLOR is a fire-engine's red
His sinews steely, muscles iron-clad.

His ENERGY is masculine - the YANG
With Macho super-hero's charge and bang
His STONE is uncut diamond, but Ram
Cares not for baubles trinkets nor for gem.

In love with hunt and chase, Ram will not tire
To ardently pursue his prey, - for fire
Drives him to pursuit and its passionate thrill,
Nor will his wild excitement flag until--

His prize is caught plus trophy, crown and crest,
Then hunt is o'er - and gone his interest.
Ram does protect the Fertile Crescent, since
Assyrians were the first to call him "PRINCE"

Egypt's god Amun's Rams can be surveyed
At Thebes Temple splendidly arrayed
In "Aries Avenue" - hewn out of stone
There Rams are seated on a marble throne.

Victorious over foes and Thanatos
Rams were the pride of many pharaohs
The populace paid tribute every year
And all of Thebes rang in frenzied cheer

High pedigree, - a found of energy-
Says the Assyrian Astrology,
Ram as the FIRST in the Roundel - this Sire
Exudes and spreads of charismatic fire
Remember of Thebes and the pharaohs
And hail this chief, - the zodiacal BOSS

Best wishes to all Rams!.

This poem is Copyright © Elizabeth_Dandy

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