Dreams Of A Little Girl
Date: Saturday, 1st November 2003 @ 11:53:11 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: lovingwhispers

A little girl once held her doll
And to the stars her secret was told
"One day when Im bigger,when I am all grown
I will find the greatest love,that anyone has ever known"

This little girl kept the dream,of finding love so sweet and right
And every night before her sleep
She would say her "starlight star bright"

Time came to pass and grow she did,leaving all but one of her dreams behind
She meant her words when she had said
A great love she will surely find

Into the world she threw herself,full on into the great unknown
But if she'd been told how dark it was,she would have never left her home

First came the one who told her lies,he meant only to deceive
And as he stole what was not his,she watched her innocence leave

A baby came into the world,a lil man who had no choice
He didnt ask to be here,it was his mothers voice

She had welcomed him from the first time,she knew he was inside
And though not worried to do it alone,still for her babe she cried

The father he came back,and somehow made her believe
That he truly loved her and would no more decieve

So short lived was this so called truth
Yet forever in his pain it seemed
And sometimes while tending bruises
She cried for all that she had dreamed

Many years between then and the next,another man came to her world
They rushed on in,she was alone
They had a healthy baby girl

Again the dream had fallen,for in her haste she didnt realise
That this father of her baby girl
Had drug induced blue eyes

So naive and vulnerable,how could she ever get it right
And so to the stars,a new plan was made
"a little love would be alright"

Onto the next and then the next,round and round she went
Until every beating,evey emotion near dead
Had her on the floor all spent

One day she awoke,thought of her mum
Who had passed so long ago
And through her tears of missing
She found the strength to grow

For her children and her loving Mum,she would fight for her right in this world
And so to the stars a secret was told
"I still dream as a lil girl"

This poem is Copyright © lovingwhispers

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
the sites feedback form, or go to the AUTHOR'S site and EMAIL the author for permission.
If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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