personal apocalypse
Date: Tuesday, 2nd December 2003 @ 12:36:04 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: Cancer

they said i was crazy
but i was just tired
tired of hearing them talk *****
over trivial things
tired of feeling their stares
when i didn't dress like them
or act like them
or believe like them
tired of feeling alone
outnumbered by two
every side bore enemies

they said that i was on drugs
which was partially true
i'd taken alot of pills
but pills couldn't have bred
the degree of hostility that i displayed
the pills just helped me to open the door
to let my Ugly out
to show them what a real monster was

they said i "held up the school"
which was a pretty lofty description
of my meager antics
i just ran down the halls
screaming obscenities
and waving my knives
threatening to kill anyone who came near me
but, i didn't hurt anyone
except the one person who was on my side

within a few hours
it was all over town
i'd killed several people
raped three dogs and a parrot
and then slit my own throat
spraying blood on everyone
i probably had AIDS

all i really did was scream and cry and wave my knives

the chief of police was going to shoot me
by that time, my only weapon was a box razor
he said he had to keep me from hurting myself
i guess he intended for the bullet to feel good

when i came back
everyone treated me differently
don't wanna ***** off the psycho
constant rumors, but they always made me laugh
i was supposed to kill everyone at graduation
the same rumor circulated at prom time
you screw up once, and no one forgets

no one saw it for what it was
they saw it as a cry for help
a cry for attention
or just some crazy devil worshipper
sent to terrorize the holy
but, no one saw it as
a giant sign that read:
no one

six years later, few have forgotten
and, though less frequently,
rumors still come around
it makes me sick to think
of how this will effect my son
when he enters school

and now as i look back
on everything that happened
and all the problems it caused
i want to go back and change it all
i want to go back and do it all over

i want to go back and stab every person i saw

This poem is Copyright © Cancer

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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