The Way, The Reason
Date: Tuesday, 2nd December 2003 @ 06:14:58 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: Vitreous_Soul

The riddle burns deep
One with no real solution
Words and promises to keep
To maintain your absolution

One cannot change what is
Or what is about to be
The only will is his
From which you may never be set free

Whenever you feel impossibility
There exists a way
To bring about a new day
Whenever you sense futility
Like the change of a season
Know that there's a reason

Right from the outset
The scales are tipped against you
Karmic balance works in reverse
Negativity follows the good few

Can there be a purpose
For the existence of tragedy
A mystery never unfolding
Beauty becomes catastrophe

Whenever you feel impossibility
There exists a way
To bring about a new day
Whenever you sense futility
Like the change of a season
Know that there's a reason

There's a will, there's a way
There's a reason for evil to stay

Continual small doses of good
It comes in tiny fractions
But for every second of relief
There is ten times the negative reaction

Some men can never see
Yet some will never hear a sound
Those who spread discontent should know
That it eventually will rebound

Numerous as sand grains on a beach
Are questions that seem to never be solved
The last rung of a ladder out of reach
Just can't get to the peak and be absolved

Without the wrong
Right would hold no meaning
Without defeat
Victory would be nothing

This poem is Copyright © Vitreous_Soul

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
the sites feedback form, or go to the AUTHOR'S site and EMAIL the author for permission.
If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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