The Beginning and the End
Date: Tuesday, 2nd March 2004 @ 03:58:42 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: Whisper

Two Fairies and a Slug crossed paths one bright sunny morn.
And began chatting, about the buzzing in the land.
"Have heard?" said the smallest of the Two, perched upon a toadstool, Flapping his Wings.
"There is a rumor going round that Spring Will Not Come Next Year"
"Oh ," said the second Fairy, the Older of the Two. His wings gently flapping lifting him high with ease.
"Yes," quipped she, "More important then that ,We will be all, Left Sleeping when it's time for the grasses to grow"
"Oh ," said the Older one, "Who has told you such a woe?" .
It was my friend Slug," pointly to a slimmy trail.
"Is that not true?" She asked accusingly.
Sleepily Slug replied, "Why Yes, friend Free , It was a realiable source, which told it to me."
"The earth, it is angry with all the poison on the land and at sea"
And With that the slimmy Slug began to slowly creep away mumbling.
"Year after year , its the same damage done "

So Spring went on holidays - to teach man a lesson."
"How far would THEY be without Spring to begin their seasons, having only a middle and the end!".

p.s* Fairies live in Middle Earth

This poem is Copyright © Whisper

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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