Thoughts of You
Date: Thursday, 1st April 2004 @ 02:12:11 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: osodelightful

The world as we knew it has changed so much
The faces we’ve seen the lives we’ve touched
It’s amazing to know after all this time
You care for me and I’m still on your mind

After all we’ve been through and what we’ve shared
I thought you’d forget me I admit I was scared
I hated to leave but it was the right thing to do
The love I once felt made me sad and blue

I guess it’s true what they say about love
Once you find it you have to handle it with gloves
You have to hold it and love it and take real good care
Insuring you don’t lose it and that it will always be there

Once it’s gone the only thing left is pain
Pain that rips through your heart like going insane

See the love that I have for you continues to grow
Even miles apart it still shows
That lets me know how much I still care
How much I still love you and want to be there

If I could change things from the way that they are
I’d make you the moon and I the stars
From not until forever you’d be in my life
You’d be my husband and I your wife

How realistic this all see to me
But a fantasy I’m living is all it could be
For each day that I wake you wake somewhere else
And the love that we have it portrayed on a shelf

But each day that I live I will think of you
I will continue to cherish the memories too
I’ll say this once more before I’m through
…. I love you

written 10/27/02

This poem is Copyright © osodelightful

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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