Nothing is Ever Wrong
Date: Thursday, 1st April 2004 @ 06:40:17 PM AEST Topic: Sad Poetry
Contributed By: Asatru
Here's what you need to understand,
Dear brenna,
Is that nothing is a word,
And a word is something,
And something is anything,
So you can't have everything without nothing,
So nothing is wrong,
And everything is always ok,
So dear Brenna,
Don't you cry cause,
Everything is always ok,
And nothing is ever really wrong,
There's no need for those tears to be shed,
Cause nothing can ever be wrong,
None of this,
Really exists,
It's ok,
Cause it won't matter in a day,
So dear Brenna,
Here's what you need to know,
In a day or so,
This will all pass by,
And you even remember,
So dear Brenna,
Don't cry one tear,
Think of the better days,
Not the past,
But the ones to come your way,
Dear Brenna,
Don't see,
Tears don't really mean a thing,
Some people say there needing everday,
Dear Brenna can't see,
Tomorrow will wash them away,
And can't you see that it doesn't matter,
This moment of this one single day,
Of this one little week of year,
Of of your life,
Really passes by so quick,
Just forget it,
And let it slide right by,
Because all you need to know,
Dear Brenna,
Is that it is all nothing,
And nothing is a word,
So it's all alright,
Everything's just fine,
Because the past fly right by,
And you won't even remember,
The day that shed those tears,
They won't ever matter,
Because their just a moment,
In your life,
And your life is yours,
Your life is everything,
And that's all that truly matters.
This poem is Copyright © Asatru