Date: Wednesday, 1st March 2006 @ 06:35:59 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: BSteel

I eat you like eggos,
Remember those little waffles,
I aim to eat your egos with an awe inspiring display of verbal,
Skills to bring us closer together from the banker to the farmer,
From the valleys to the hills,
Generations of questionable karma,
Have built up on the shoulders,
For those that dare innovate truly create,
Intrepid in all endeavors,
Thinking the sky is the limit,
Only to discover,
God is not
He is humbling. Complex, mysterious, and funny,
Surely he wants you to blindly follow him like a sucker,
For who can imagine a nature so different from that of a simple man,
For who sat in the darkness alone at first but God,
Who was created from darkness?
From yet a higher form than darkness he emerges triumphant,
And wants you to go through the same process he went through,
Only through our stumbling can we come to being, happiness and faith become the same thing, when a man is near the edge and doesn’t fall off, he owes his life to the state, god and himself, not to anybody else, he is humbled at the height of the fall,
And gives up not alcohol but puts his lifestyle under more prudent review,
a state of mind emerges anew, elevation, a rock on a hill must roll,
magic unfolds, a path seems to be shown, more miracles show hope, medicine and internal fortitude can dually accomplish your goals, if you can just hold it through the storm, from a kid that will never again back down, from the unspoken bonds that he found, I see the creator in a new light now, heaven feels feasible in my town.,
I feel an aura in the air, on the streets, and in the basement where I come to terms
With my lost crown, but who needs fame anyhow, show me the money or I’ll have Tony
Show you the semi; I ride heavy in thought, like powerful blood clots,
I fight for the right to fight over pot, and states rights is the most peaceful device for
Expanding liberty to all citizens not just the privileged,
I told you I’d eat your egos like eggos who wonder at the abstract form,
Of the essence, but don’t worry I’ll tell you the secret is simple,
Faith is a strong force; it can straighten any imagined course,
And bring salvation to the prose, peace I’m out the door,
To enjoy life some more, peace Brian Gallagher.

This poem is Copyright © BSteel

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