What No One Knows
Date: Tuesday, 1st March 2005 @ 08:52:02 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: Live2Die

Thoughts flying through my head
Where no one can find them
Feelings locked into my chest
Where no one can see them.

My private worries,
My secret loves
My haunted nightmares,
My unknown lies
All hidden away
Never to be seen or heard.

From the farthest stranger
To the closest friend
Theres not a single person
Who knows everything.

My private worries,
My secret loves,
My haunted nightmares,
My unknown lies.
All hidden away
Never to be seen or heard.

Sitting in a room all alone
Wishing that just once
There is someone out there
Who knows the real me.

My private worries,
My secret loves,
My haunted nightmares,
My unknown lies.
All hidden away
Never to be seen or heard.

This poem is Copyright © Live2Die

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
the sites feedback form, or go to the AUTHOR'S site and EMAIL the author for permission.
If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

The URL for this poem is: