Facing East
Date: Friday, 1st April 2005 @ 06:26:20 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: tbird

stop taking proprioceptive cues
from those who watch the news
to gain a perspective on their
place in the world
not knowing whether they're
being broken or freed
to stake claims on an illusion
professing to be ergogenic
vitality served up
piping hot
in 12oz paper cups
that sustain
a psychoactive haze
stimulating the picanyune
engaged in a two-step
with pushers on every corner
selling mainstream contraband
to the masses
denied the truth so long
that a missed dose of daily propoganda
leaves them dazed and confused
while coporate conglomerates
and street peddlers wait
to prescribe fixes
name brand or bootleg
whatever suits your budget
with akashic maturation
left out to evaporate
on tomorrow's back burner
where divinity has been reduced to
Spiritual Pursuit
because apparently it's easier to
play than to live authentic
the transition from conceptualization
to manifestation
religious, racial and tribal lines
fading to zero degrees of separation
between exterior and interior self
compassion tirelessly extended
from one being to the next
where synchronocity is
recognized reality
and everyone adheres to the doctrines
to which they cling
to being the very best they can be
while facing east.

This poem is Copyright © tbird

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
the sites feedback form, or go to the AUTHOR'S site and EMAIL the author for permission.
If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

The URL for this poem is: