''A Box of Rain to Ease the Pain''
Date: Friday, 1st April 2005 @ 09:54:44 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: jyssvw22

In the forest nestled in the valley
Lay a box, planted and buried in tragedy
It was said to have protected the secrets of the land
A time long ago, when love and trust where in high demand

Among these trees and deep dark dirt
Live a people whose destiny constantly flirts
With the detailed plan of the worlds mutual gain
Which inherently inflicts disease, hunger and pain

The box that was once dead with rust
Has recently been found and opened with trust
Its content taken out with gentle care
Placed on the temple arc for all to stare

As the forest dwellers flocked in pairs
A hope of freedom replaced their despair
And as the chief of the land proclaimed long awaited victory
A light shone down, brightly and ferociously
A piercing voice screamed down and echoed for eternity
Their bodies rose,- a final moment of clarity

On this sad day not a trace remaines behind
Of the forest dwellers or their peaceful kind
All that we can touch, is a rusty old box
Filled with dirt and rain and forever locked

This poem is Copyright © jyssvw22

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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