The Empty Town
Date: Friday, 1st April 2005 @ 10:39:52 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: n0body

Sometimes I feel sad, when I sit here alone,
By myself in the woods, where I am unknown.

No human or animal ever comes here,
because everyone is to busy, living THERE.

THERE is a place where everyones together,
where you are supposedly happy, no matter what the weather.

THERE is the center, the city, the town,
where the suns always out and never goes down.

I think I will go and see the town,
see something different than my forest brown.

I began to walk for days on end,
not sure what to expect or what to pretend.

And then I was there, what a magnificent site,
There where buidlings and sky scrapers, to extrodinary height!

I ran through the streets, laughing out loud,
Waving my hands, I felt so proud.

I had walked all this way, to such a great place,
it was just like they said, an amazing base.

But wait! I stopped, the streets are all bared,
Is anyone here, and if you are...where?

The stores are all barren, the children are all gone,
The parks are all empty, no blankets on the lawn.

Where is everyone, isn't anyone here?
What happened to them all did they all dissappear?

But the windows, inside, they're all lit up,
I think I'll look inside, and check out the setup.

I came to this town.
This place, said to be great,
The place I hoped to find my mate.

The lights are on,
I can see that clear,
But no ones inside.

This town is empty.

No one is here.

This poem is Copyright © n0body

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
he will endeavor to contact the author on your behalf.

This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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