20 years from now...I'll still be the same
Date: Thursday, 2nd February 2006 @ 06:33:13 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: poetic_influence

Take me as I am
For I...Will never change
I dont give a damn
If you cannot handle that than I am out of your range
I say what I want
Whenever I feel
Very nonchalant
Always so very real
If you dont like the image I give out
Then turn around and face the door
Your opinions I can do without
I believe that God lets us have free will
No "Spirit Guides" will guide us
Our destiny's we have fufilled
And this I have many times discussed
We talk of God and Jesus like they came from a mystical world
And I pity you people for that
Thats what separates the men and women from the boys and girls
All you do is twist the facts
So if you hate me for being a born again christian
Then you take your decision straight tot he bank
But when It comes to judgement day you will be wishing
That your "open minded" head wasn't so damn blank
I could have helped you
But you decided to urn your cheek
Now all that I can tell you
Is that you should have listened to me
Should have noticed the truth once spoken
Now dont blame me
That your soul was never awoken
Goodnight to you
Enjoy your life of the five senses
I will pray for you
For now, and for future and past tences

This poem is Copyright © poetic_influence

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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