Destruction in Pieces
Date: Tuesday, 1st June 2004 @ 09:15:26 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: hawaii06

The world is confused; depressed
The wars that are starting are total nonsense and very chaotic.
Is this blood and gore supposed to bring peace to the world?
Highly doubtful.
Doing something stupid in attempt to make something else better won’t work.

Drugs, Sex, Alcohol and Money,
It’s what the world is all about right?

Drugs can make you feel like everything is right,
But then again they can make you go crazy,
Sex can give you a very great pleasure,
But then sex can get you pregnant or give you an STD.
Alcohol may feel like it is taking all your pain and frustration away,
But you and others could end up dead.
Money can get you things in life,
But what if you go bankrupt?

Problems aren’t solved in the simplest ways.
It takes time and commitment to overcome this type of problem.
You can’t wake up one day and say,
“Oh, I’m going to do this and everything will be okay.”
That’s just not the way the cookie crumbles.

When you’re told you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed,
Say well at least I’m a tool in the shed.
When you’re told you’re not the brightest crayon in the box,
Say I’m a crayon in the box though, right?
That’s all that matters.

The world needs to think every now and again,
Or else the universe will end in mass destruction.
No one will live to see the tomorrows become today’s.

Jamie Burkholder

This poem is Copyright © hawaii06

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