Four Parachutes There were five people on a plane that was just about to crash but only four parachutes. The first passenger, Hilary Clinton said: "I am the wife of the former president of the united states and may be president in the future, therfore i cannot die." She grabbed the first parachute and jumped off the plane. The second passenger, David Beckham, said "I am the greatest footballer in the world and cannot let my fans down by dying." So he grabbed the second parachute and jumped off the plane. The third passenger was George Bush and he said: "I am the President of the United States of America. I may be the smartest president that the US has ever seen, therefore i cannot let my people down by dying." So he grabbed a pack and jumped off the plane. Now there were two people left on the plane. The Pope and a young school boy. The Pope said: "I have lived a long, good life as the pope should. Therefore, i shall leave the last parachute to you." To this is little boy said. "Fear not old man, there is a parachute for each of us. The smartest president of the United States took my school bag!" |