- (Latest comm.)
Date Added to Site:
Lachesis: One of the three Fates
2 -
2006-05-25 16:59:21
156 |
Thursday, 25th August 2005 @ 09:03:18 PM in AEST
Marked with high spirits
5 -
2006-05-24 15:46:37
171 |
Wednesday, 24th August 2005 @ 07:39:17 PM in AEST
Rose from Congrete
2 -
2005-08-24 00:09:19
169 |
Tuesday, 23rd August 2005 @ 05:08:54 PM in AEST
Lived without you..''
4 -
2005-08-25 14:16:24
175 |
Monday, 22nd August 2005 @ 12:56:52 AM in AEST
Failure of my own sucess
7 -
2005-08-23 00:15:13
203 |
Saturday, 20th August 2005 @ 11:43:30 PM in AEST