- (Latest comm.)
Date Added to Site:
.-.stick it to me.-.
2 -
2005-04-12 20:36:16
183 |
Friday, 8th April 2005 @ 02:24:45 PM in AEST
.-.covering beauty.-.
3 -
2005-04-08 20:14:37
186 |
Friday, 8th April 2005 @ 05:04:46 AM in AEST
.-.its just an outline on a bedspread.-.
1 -
2005-04-08 05:49:06
165 |
Tuesday, 5th April 2005 @ 03:08:17 PM in AEST
.-.beating tool inside you.-.
1 -
2005-04-01 07:52:09
175 |
Friday, 1st April 2005 @ 06:36:07 AM in AEST
.-.pedestal angel.-.
1 -
2005-04-08 05:51:20
208 |
Wednesday, 30th March 2005 @ 01:06:29 PM in AEST
.-.under the stairs.-.
2 -
2005-03-28 16:59:33
184 |
Monday, 28th March 2005 @ 09:49:15 AM in AEST
.-.perfection is plastic.-.
2 -
2005-03-28 17:51:48
186 |
Monday, 28th March 2005 @ 09:47:20 AM in AEST
.-.drowning insecurities.-.
2 -
2005-03-27 10:13:55
156 |
Sunday, 27th March 2005 @ 07:53:20 AM in AEST
.-.you left it in the snow.-.
3 -
2005-03-27 15:29:05
184 |
Saturday, 26th March 2005 @ 11:27:51 AM in AEST
.-.is this love or an addiction.-.
1 -
2005-03-21 19:16:44
166 |
Monday, 21st March 2005 @ 09:10:50 AM in AEST
.-.beauty is sorry.-.
3 -
2005-03-17 15:10:47
167 |
Thursday, 17th March 2005 @ 11:35:27 AM in AEST