- (Latest comm.)
Date Added to Site:
more then words could say
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2006-01-20 23:43:41
463 |
Friday, 20th January 2006 @ 11:07:31 PM in AEST
i would die for you and i know you would to
2 -
2007-02-01 23:20:10
170 |
Saturday, 7th January 2006 @ 01:46:03 PM in AEST
you know longer see the girl i used to be
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433 |
Friday, 30th December 2005 @ 12:51:44 PM in AEST
i will love you till my dieing day
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2005-12-17 01:54:19
184 |
Friday, 16th December 2005 @ 05:24:27 PM in AEST
i want ....
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2007-01-04 17:55:25
166 |
Tuesday, 13th December 2005 @ 04:53:22 PM in AEST