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Living in 1960
The 1960 price of things, today would let us live like kings!
Lets go shopping you and I, to see just what our dough could buy.
A loaf of bread is 20 cents. Thirty dollars pays our rent.
Sirloin steak (bone in not ground); is 85 cents for a pound!
A cold sixpack of Budweiser is just a buck of course.
Advertised effectively by teams of Clydesdale horses!
(They joined in 1933, when Prohibition ended;
To celebrate and advertise that Budwieser was splendid)!
Aspirin for a hangover; one hundred in a jar;
A dollar at the grocery store; they give them free at bars.
Sugar in a five pound bag --thirty-eight cents, what a drag!
Baby food for son or daughter: Gerbers 3 jars for a quarter.
For a dollar we could bake four boxes of Pillsbury’s cake;
Or take home 20 Hershey bars. But breakfast is the bargain star!
A dozen eggs are fifty cents. The oranges cost more.
For eighty cents, the grocer gladly bags us 24!
The butcher weighs our bacon. Its not pre-packed we found;
He measures what were taking, at 80 cents a pound.
Can we afford a Mac Attack? They sell for ten cents each.
McDonalds opened just this year, Ray Crock will bank a treat!
Minimum wage per hour thrives, at just a dollar twenty five.
The price to see a picture show; for the two of us to go!
(Drive-ins cost us less than that; with lots of smooching in the back!)
A brand new pair of Levi jeans? Five dollars out the door.
And guys paid thirteen dollars for the brand new shoes they score.
Let’s stop for gas; here’s what to say: “Just a dollars worth today.”
He pumps four gallons; checks our oil, cleans our windshield if its soiled.
Checks our tires, tips his hat, were on our way; no charge for that.
In 1960 we would get; 9 MPG in a Corvette.
(Today wed have a longer drive. This years Corvette gets 25)!
Two thousand and six hundred bought, a new car off the dealer’s lot.
A Vespa Scooter could be had, for just three hundred bucks...not bad.
A brand new house (well need a loan); thirteen thousand bucks to own.
To qualify, the average man now earns an annual five grand.
But there were drawbacks naturally; For instance, thinking rationally:
The average life expectancy was only 69.
But medicine keeps adding years and giving us more time!
Dont know bout you, but we should choose to keep that goal in sight:
The very least that we can do is try to prove them right!