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Dinner of Dreams
Oh, for a moment to sweeten the heart;
That sets us a table and bids us depart.
Lower the lamp; pour a glass of lost time;
Sweep out the cobwebs and spit out the brine.
I offer you only the shadows of dreams;
A spoonful of absence that soothes and redeems.
A toast to the ghost of innocence lost;
A prayer for the coin to cover the cost.
To childhood, and family, let us bow heads;
To lovers long gone who once warmed our beds.
For birthdays, and lost ways, to evil and good;
To warriors all who gave what they could.
A nod to the others that sat here before us.
To enemies watching; and those who adore us.
I wish you safe journey; a home for your heart;
And more days than youll need to play out your part.