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If you look back, what would you share; That you now know from being there?
I always thought it might be nice; To know enough to give advice.
I’ve saved enough to turn me gray; And I can’t GIVE the stuff away!
So I’ve hidden it in rhyme; from experience, one more time:
If you think braces cramp your style; Try living with a crooked smile!
Did parents stick to you like glue? One day you’ll know they cared for you!
If friends won’t lend you any money; thank them soundly one day honey.
When you’re standing on your own; by no one’s hand but yours alone!
If you spent childhood on the roam; You need far less to make a home!
But if you never left your town, then you have life-long friends around!
Those whose plans burst at the seams; are skillful at rebuilding dreams!
But if you’ve always had the best; Jealousy is your big test.
If you’re quiet and understated; You’re told secrets unabated!
If you’re loud and posturing; You probably wont hear a thing.
What we cried for yesterday, is seldom what we want today!
And its true, what we expect; is probably just what well get!
Now its your turn; Tell us what
Is the best advice you*ve got!
Share and get it off your plate;
And hope it doesn*t come too late!