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The Road of Life
The road of life takes many turns,
some doors gets shut while bridges burn...
and though you fight to do what/'/s right,
not everyone will see your plight.
Its in this pain, this toil, and snare,
That a shoulder is needed to bear your cares.
To comfort your pain and your mind to ease,
To end your doubt and do as you please.
But what do you do when your life lines are cut,
Left to yourself like a punch to the gut?
its in that time that you must choose
just what path you want to cruise..
A life full of sorrow, heartache, and woe?
Then to the unbridled emotions you must go.
Let it completely take over your sense of dread,
and before you know it..you/'/ll end up dead.
Or maybe being happy is your ploy
Living a life of strength and joy?
Though painful it is to think and say
Patience is the only way…
So remember these words and keep them close,
don’t over correct or overdose.
These choices are yours and yours alone
on just how you find your way back home