A rose can't touch you,, sunshine can't touch your smile,, ( so how can I ? ) beauty was there, so were you,, I couldn't tell you apart,, ( your both beautiful ) How can I touch you,, when your so fragile,, ( I want to hold you,,) A heart of stone,, Or a heart of gold,, ( no one can break these,,)
Unlucky in love,,she say's,, because no one can except her for what she does,,, Unlucky in love,,she say's,, for what she has done,,how can this be ?,,
I respect her this person for who she is,, not for her past ,, but for now ,,we live ,,as one,,, that why I fell in love with her,,,
How can she say,,Unlucky in love,, when I had fell in love with her,, I guess I'm Unlucky in love,, because I can't tell her how I feel,, That I had fell in love with her,,
( she will never know,,,)
craig s. meeks
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2003-01-11 18:40:00] (Date/Time posted on