Slow down, The pressure cooker burns, At a hundred miles an hour, Power, Through the people to messiahs, Sniffing silos get us higher, Conspire, To wade through the invalid waste, It leaves a taste bitter but better, Theres blood on the letters, Good, Cos I can justify the way, The stores have closed, And wont be open for days, Pray, If you believe in God, A god, A mod, And all odds and sods, Break, To the news around the streets, The airaid sirens firing, With polyphonic police, A case for cause, The different gauze, Of cheeswire at the bottom of draws, Watch. The screen while they knock back scotch, The rocks, The holes in your childrens socks, IBM STD's and chickenpox, But it falls, and it spins and whirls, And theres nothing can be done, The boys and girls, To respire is inspired, Such a crazy world, You got ready for the battle, But its already won, So cling to the shadows, Carry a gun.
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2005-08-22 10:40:04] (Date/Time posted on