The Invitation
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Saturday, 27th August 2005 @ 02:52:48 AM in AEST
I have no eloquent words to give thee no flattery or fame. I have no treasure or fortune to bribe thee no quick cure for your pain. The only road I offer might well lead to your death. If you start the path I follow twill be a perilous quest.
You will fight against great demons that you can not defeat. You will often lose your way in caverns strait and deep and only in the light will you have life replete and be led unto pastures wide with all you need.
If you seek to save your life you will die by the sword. If you seek to have fortune you will perish poor. By the sweat on your brow will you sit down to eat, until you body returns to the ground; circle complete
Your greatest enemy will be your very self and everyday you''ll ponder if you should give up. Your joy will come from above your sadness from within; if you choose to walk upon this path
Consider now my brother just like building a house; can you make the promise brave and pure and stout, where all may well forsake you when you do what is right. Can you continue to walk within the light?
Don''t rush to join the journey but don''t procrastinate. Each day that we put off brings us closer to our fate. Take some time to think about it and see if I speak truth; for only your own faith will save you.
I considered long this letter, I regarded my motives. I had rather part with you than have half heartedness. Go home and sleep on it before you answer me; for that is how hard it is if you want to believe
In the garden "He" sweated blood before "He" died for us and it will be almost as hard if we want to see him. Some people say it''s not that hard they take an easier road refining not their character like silver and gold.
Your road is just beginning for when your life is saved, you will teach what i have taught to you to a world dark and depraved. A choice now lies before you and each man must now choose the path he sees that''s best for him and live by his own rules
I only present a choice decide now if it''s right. I have no more to say to you and with that friend good night. I wish you a fair journey until we meet again and we may have this conversation one more time my friend.
Go write down all your questions. Go ponder your own heart. Decide the things you want to do. Go read your bible. Think about what you want to change Think about what's true and then I will come back and talk to you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "With many other words he warned them and pleaded with them; 'Save yourselves from this corupt generation.' " Acts 2:40
"The Bereans were of more noble charecter than the Thessalonians for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the scriptures daily to see if what Paul said was true" Acts 17:11
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2005-08-27 02:52:48] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: The Invitation
(User Rating: 1 ) by valichka on
Saturday, 27th August 2005 @ 03:31:22 AM AEST (User
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This is very beautiful, it just touched my heart. I was just thinking about the same thing before I read this poem, and God just answered what I was thinking about. My friend, May God Bless You Always and Forever. :) |
Re: The Invitation
(User Rating: 1 ) by venkat on
Saturday, 27th August 2005 @ 04:03:04 AM AEST (User
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I am delighted to read this poem..
it reflects your beautiful soul and its concern to righteus path...God bless :-)venkat |
Re: The Invitation
(User Rating: 1 ) by Benny14 on
Saturday, 27th August 2005 @ 04:06:37 AM AEST (User
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thats very well written, nice job, i like it a lot |
Re: The Invitation
(User Rating: 1 ) by Elizabeth_Dandy on
Saturday, 27th August 2005 @ 08:13:35 AM AEST (User
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I echo Venkat Archie. Takes a big and noble soul to even tackle the issue.
We all know that the "Narrow Gate" leads to salvation. Few even know where it is.
Blaise Pascual, the famous French philosopher and Christian Apologist has a lot to say about your theme.
God bless you
Elizabeth |
Re: The Invitation
(User Rating: 1 ) by inoc on
Saturday, 27th August 2005 @ 10:26:13 AM AEST (User
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Indeed a spectacular poem, worded straight from your heart!
What a lovely invitation to express your concern to others...in a fashion that leaves peace in our hearts through your unhurried words...
coni |
Re: The Invitation
(User Rating: 1 ) by hauntedscorp on
Saturday, 27th August 2005 @ 12:26:21 PM AEST (User
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Wow Archie. You did a great job with this write...You really take the reader on a journey, and a very honest one at that. Keeping a really good flow all the while too, but it was your expressive words that really stood out. Excellent write!
Scorp. |
Re: The Invitation
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Saturday, 27th August 2005 @ 01:39:37 PM AEST (User
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*****If some one wanted to become a christain, what would you say to him or her?
Yes, this is that one "free will" our sweet Lord gave to us. To choose to believe or not.
I have always known christianity, what it means since I was a baby girl. I did't follow what it really meant until I got in a situation, years later, and then, only prayers to Jesus helped. And He answered my prayers. He just answered my prayers again this past month and all is well with my family.
I am praying now for my own health, for I am not well. I do not want to discuss it. Lets just say, I am pushing poems like crazy here.
One good reason for a person not to become a christian could be, because they would have to admit they are a sinner. Most have a problem with that. Another good reason, if one does admit to being a sinner, then they think by becoming a christian they can't have fun.
Jesus does not want us to sit around with a bible stuck on our laps.. He wants us to get up and out and to help those in need. To love and enjoy nature.
I wish I would have followed His word more closely. I am much older now, wiser. Perhaps it was meant for me to come all this way to where I am today.
If someone told me they wanted to be a christian, I would say, well that is wonderful. Great things in your life will happen. Yes, there are always a few problems as we follow the Word, but with prayer, they are all answered.
The Lord does not lead us to damnation. He leads us into the light. It is written that all humans must die. Prayerfully speaking, I hope whoever thinks about christianity will be better off in their lives, then to live in the dark.
Even as I have ran into a few slippery rocks under my feet, I can honestly say, I slipped with the light on.
****for only your own faith will save you.
Faith in the one who created you, is what will save you.
*****where all may well forsake you
when you do what is right.
Can you continue to walk within the light?
Great questions in your write. I will always walk in His light. I am proud to be a christian. I am glad He handed me His name. Christ...ian.
Raquel Leah :D |
Re: The Invitation
(User Rating: 1 ) by Fionndruinne on
Saturday, 27th August 2005 @ 10:24:10 PM AEST (User
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Well spoken words! You lay out the nature of this greatest of messages in a careful, precise way, at the same time showing skill in this format. A worthy piece, indeed.
Andrew |
Re: The Invitation
(User Rating: 1 ) by Jenni_K on
Sunday, 28th August 2005 @ 12:38:35 AM AEST (User
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Truly a masterpiece if ever I've seen one..
Jenni |
Re: The Invitation
(User Rating: 1 ) by secretwind on
Monday, 29th August 2005 @ 01:32:45 AM AEST (User
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well written
deep innervision |