Rat stuck in an deep dark new hole
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Tuesday, 6th September 2005 @ 06:40:04 AM in AEST
An strange beauty That I have Is to stay silenced And unaware by others Yet aware by others I am But maybe I am the one Who is aware of the others But I don't want to know about Yet again what do I know about them Nothing So why Why should I bother know anything About them Then again why not Or why not stay silenced For the whole year Like I haven't done that before I just feel like an rat Lost in the sewers Falling in to an new hole Loaded with other rats Socializing with each other Even after me new rats Keep falling in to the new hole Immediately socializing With the other rats While I sit lonely In an corner Trying to seek an way out To get to my old hole Where I know many Now I know so little Better to say no one All my ways gone crumbled Beneath my feet's Though very little of my ways still stand And all the other rats In the new hole Might look And all of them might Think like hey why is she so open There And closed Here They might get mad And then I am truly outside The new hole And to get back I cant get back in Neither cant I get out I am trapped like an
Rat stuck in an deep dark new hole
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2005-09-06 06:40:04] (Date/Time posted on
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