He Lives, He reigns
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Friday, 23rd September 2005 @ 01:13:06 PM in AEST
He lives; He reigns. He lives inside of me. He rules the worlds, the heavens the earth. He controls the stars, the seas, the skies. He is not bound by time. He existed. He exists. He will exist. He created creation. He is. He lives; He reigns. He lives inside of me. He is my Father, my Brother, my Best Friend. He is the Creator, my Maker. My love is His; my breath is His; my life is His. All I have comes from Him. He lives; He reigns. He lives inside of me. Through the darkest of times, He was my Light. Though all else was washed away, He was my rock. When I was sad He comforted me. When I cried, He dried my tears. When I didnt know what to say, He gave me His Word. When I was lost He gave me His Direction. When I was lonely, He was there. He lives; He reigns. He lives inside of me. My life is His; my breath is His. All that I have comes from Him. Thats He with a capital H. Thats His that owns all else. Thats the Him whos there with me through it all, who didnt give up on me even when I gave up on myself. That is the He who lives; the He who reigns. The He who lives inside of me. He is the One who shares me joys. The One who gave me eternal life. The One who died that I might live. The One I give my life. He lives; He reigns. He lives inside of me. He loves me. He is near me. He always will be. He died and rose just to show me. He lives; He reigns. He lives inside of me. He is forever; He is for always. And as long as we live, His children well be. He lives; He reigns. He lives inside of me. He is my Lord. The One, True God. The Father. The Almighty. The Son, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit. Three in One, One in three. He lives; He reigns. He lives inside of me. May all creation praise Him.
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2005-09-23 13:13:06] (Date/Time posted on
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