The Wedding Feast at Cana
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Sunday, 9th October 2005 @ 06:23:04 PM in AEST
A glorious day it was, and merrily Resounded flutes and pipes and tambourines, At Canaan in spring-time Galilee - With flowered meadows and fresh sprightly greens,
The Galilean hills sloped round about, And merry guests clapped callous work-worn hands, A village wedding feast,- a happy crowd Delighted in the banquet and the dance.
Jesus Himself was there, and several Of his disciples gallivanting band; His mother too,- and in the well-stocked hall Lent counsel and experienced a hand.
The wedding party kicked into high gear- A cantor praised in song King Solomon,- But disconcerted stewards in the rear Began to whisper: "Lo! - the wine is gone.
A banquet is so cheerless without wine, Woe! if the golden precious draught gives out, And generous hosts repute is on the line When jars are empty and dried up the spout.
The mother,- watching wineskins, jars and cask- Saw the embarrassed stewards at their post- Remembering the Seek ye knock and ask, Got up to plead for the unhappy host. Faith spurred her loving heart- she turned to Him- To Him, her son, the mother did incline; Who can fill up all vessels to the brim, And whispered softly: Son! - they have no wine!
His time had not yet come, but Mary she Unwittingly precipitated it, Out of her motherly great sympathy With people in embarassment and need.
At first it seemed, denied was the request, Unheeded passed the mothers whispered plea, But then at length He slowly rose and blessed The water in the jars - and all could see-
Its color gleamed a bright incarnadine, The stewards tasted and the crowd was hushed- The wine was strong,- its quality the best- The water saw its Makers Face and blushed!.
Elizabeth Dandy
Our Life on Earth is a Wedding Feast! Cana Wedding Feast (Jn.2) The change of the "Eternal Plan of God":
The Epistle to the Ephesians tells us about the perfect eternal plan of God for salvation, to restore everything in Christ. At Cana, the time of Jesus to start his ministry had not yet come, as Jesus told his mother in 2:4. But He changed the eternal perfect plan of God because His Mother interceded!.
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2005-10-09 18:23:04] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: The Wedding Feast at Cana
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Sunday, 9th October 2005 @ 06:27:35 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
enjoyable read. flowed nicely indeed. chris. |
Re: The Wedding Feast at Cana
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Sunday, 9th October 2005 @ 06:27:36 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
enjoyable read. flowed nicely indeed. chris. |
Re: The Wedding Feast at Cana
(User Rating: 1 ) by venkat on
Monday, 10th October 2005 @ 02:15:29 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Beautiful pictures and beautifully written story.
God bless my dear lady. :-)venkat |
Re: The Wedding Feast at Cana
(User Rating: 1 ) by emystar on
Monday, 10th October 2005 @ 04:24:47 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Beautifully done, my dear friend.
I've heard the story all my life but it's never came to life as in your write here.
One more time, u make learning so much fun!
luv, huggs, big smiles,
emy |
Re: The Wedding Feast at Cana
(User Rating: 1 ) by inoc on
Monday, 10th October 2005 @ 08:17:24 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
So beautifully written Elizabeth!
That story is a beautiful one too -thanks for showing us His word....in this world today...
coni |
Re: The Wedding Feast at Cana
(User Rating: 1 ) by colinbaker62 on
Monday, 10th October 2005 @ 09:09:23 AM AEST (User
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A very quaint allegory (or is it myth ?) indeed. The only thing that puzzles me is how does one go about testing such claims as Jesus turned water into wine ?
This thought in turn, reminded me of the statement made by the megalomaniac GW Bush a few days ago, namely that 'God told him to invade Iraq'. Now leaving aside the implications this statement has for enabling people to legitimately argue that Christianity is a bloody faith. It made me ponder, how on earth is one to test such a claim ? Of course one cannot, which is no doubt Mr. Bush's point..
Colin |
Re: The Wedding Feast at Cana
(User Rating: 1 ) by Elizabeth_Dandy on
Tuesday, 11th October 2005 @ 10:38:20 PM AEST (User
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Oh Colin, did they not tell you in university that between the Christian Gospel and myth is a great difference.
The Christian Gospel proclaims Jesus - the God Man incarnate, walking among men and doing signs and wonders that are attested to in our sacred writings.. No "MYth" here. This is the "FAITH" OF EVERY CHRISTIAN.
Mr. Bushes voices however, or whatsoever he hears are his private concern and nobody is obliged to take notice of them nor take them seriously.
Great difference. Please Colin hold them apart!