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Friday, 14th October 2005 @ 10:41:18 AM in AEST
The soft touch of passion, the grace of a dove, The risk of life for the look of love, Into hells fire I return to retribute, Destroy it all and end the dispute,
But some things are of immortal grace, The ancient black knight with his gallant mace, The end creeps near and all caves in, For we are all infested by a callous sin,
Darkness and silence echo in the shadows, Wade through the carnage of deaths open meadows, Fall to your knees, flesh cannot repair, Your life is taken for this game is not fair,
Demolition of an oppressed society, Destroy this worthless humanity, The seed of Lucifer hath been laid to rest, Redeem these monsters and invade the nest,
Give in to the pain, for it drives us to excel, We are all insane, released into hell, There is no saviour, no greater power, Pray for forgiveness as the masses cower,
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2005-10-14 10:41:18] (Date/Time posted on