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Saturday, 29th October 2005 @ 06:27:45 PM in AEST
A MASKED SOCIETY We humans are not dumb, we learn to adapt, Where can we go? In this society we're trapped! The word 'long suffering' means 'nostrils' in Greek A long suffering person can see or hear anything, without moving his nostrils, let alone shriek! Like a frog placed in warm water, comfortable..... He adapts to temperature slowly, never fearful If thrown in the hot water suddenly-- jumps immediately Humans gradually worn down with hideous events adapt slowly. Where are we to go? there's no place! Human suffering is learned to maintain grace. Our facial features tell others what we feel, From others our feelings we can conceal. People apologize for shedding tears, for having a heart! Showing our true feelings-- being venerable-- we teach our feelings to depart! No outrage, nor even caring, complete apathy..... Our leaders soon learn, they are not allowed to even be angry. Our hearts can be bursting in our chest Oppressed, depressed, hurtful feelings we suppress! "How dare you show me your emotions I'd rather not feel It's more comfortable to deal with your mask, please your feelings conceal!" Like walking dead people afraid to be true, Learned behavior-- wear a happy face, even when blue. "Stop crying, dry your eyes, it isn't all that bad!" A small child listens, applies a smile even while sad! A mask may be worn, but soon our hearts are masked too! A loss of our unique, precious self is lost..... Without your mask, who are you? Created by Lovingcritters Consue October 29, 2005 ????????????????????????????????? "Misbranded Faces" "A smile is no more a sign of happiness these days, than a clock's face is the sign of the correct time." ~Unknown~ *True Smiles?*
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2005-10-29 18:27:45] (Date/Time posted on
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(User Rating: 1 ) by Sinfullilmissmuppet on
Saturday, 29th October 2005 @ 08:00:54 PM AEST (User
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That was really good
It sums up like half the porblem in my life my unability to feel
It was a good write and it should make people question a few of their own traits.
till next time
emz |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Saturday, 29th October 2005 @ 08:22:18 PM AEST (User
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Our faces are the mirrors for others to look in. We try to put on a happy face so that others can have one too.
There are times though when we need to show our true self, even if it tends to make someone else sad.
Sometimes we need to be uncomfortable to be comfortable in order to grow, when we are too comfortable in our lives, we stop growing. I have learned to be the same person I am alone, and with others.
I am a very sensitive person and I show my sensitivities as well as understanding others. I have a lot of empathy for others, I share sympathy to a certain extent, but not to the point that it hinders a person, allowing them to stay in their pity party, which will keep them from moving on...
I like this poem very much, and as always your writes make one think deeply, and it teaches.
Raquel Leah :D |
(User Rating: 1 ) by deadheadpoet on
Saturday, 29th October 2005 @ 09:04:10 PM AEST (User
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Wise write from a very wise woman. Thank you for sharing. Peace to you, Laura |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Elizabeth_Dandy on
Saturday, 29th October 2005 @ 09:58:01 PM AEST (User
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How very true ConSue. You summarized the dilemma of society,- and its hypocrycy.
The very first task of any soul to be a soul and to have life, is to be and to show itself as it is.
Woe, woe, woe, to those that attempt to put a mask on. They will suffer the consequences of the mask
No soul can thrive and grow and expand with a mask.on. Woe to those that insist that a mask be worn to hide whatever flaws That why our society is so wanting in values.
I lemphasize with every line of this exceptional poem
Be blessed
Warm love
Elizabeth |
(User Rating: 1 ) by sweetangeluk on
Sunday, 30th October 2005 @ 04:48:08 AM AEST (User
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I think to some point we are all guilty of this. If someone asks hi how are you we answer oh fine really. When deep down we could scream out what we really feel inside. You have expressed this so well. I feel also as a child it is drummed into boys more not to cry when they hurt but a girl gets pampered.This is a very true write Sue.
Magnificent as always my friend
Love Angelxxx |