Money Buys Happiness… I Think NOT!
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Tuesday, 8th November 2005 @ 09:44:55 PM in AEST
Money makes me happy, a co-worker stated As we were ending our workday last week Our thoughts turned to the lottery of winnings rated Many at the jobsite pay into this rating, wealth they seek I opted not to do this, although, its ok once in awhile I rather just play for fun, for money is not my fortune Oh, yes, it does pay the rent and some bills on the due pile And the food, car expenses too, but money goes to a different tune As mine does too. For I know the basic necessities of life we need But does the financial issue really make one real? Not for me. I need the basics yes, but true wealth isnt currency greed More so my soul from within, the person inside, is the real deal All the money in the world, still wouldnt make me true If you are not happy from within, then all of that wealth is a faade To hide the sadness of what is tangible, this is you How unfortunate, for money is necessary, for it will not applaud With those who live, and love it, instead of respecting its nature I have nothing, or little value of material things in life My inner self is what is important, my soul does mature Those that like to buy the happiness of others, surely cuts like a knife Or buy their own, isnt really any means of life at all More like that they are already at war within themselves Long before money came along, and when it did, they fall How I do believe its the root of evil, yes it is, just waiting on dusty shelves For that weakened one of the soul, to love and live in money And fall to the false hope of friends and family alike No reality, their hearts cry, like bittersweet honey Those that see thru it, say for you to take a hike You; not understanding why your money they do not want If given in sincerity of pure form Then its greatly accepted, without any doubting taunt But then again, when is it really right, or the norm? Money, we need it, but to love it, and live it? No, necessity yes, being true inside, as I hope my path will see fit
Amber Rose Yeager November 3, 2002
I wrote this in response to some comments at work. I dont play the lottery that much, and if my co-workers win big, 50mil, or whatever, enough for them to quit more power to them. Happiness is already there inside you. Why would money make you happy, when if you were not happy before you ever had it, or know you will have it?? Its important to deal with it maturely and responsibly, is what is needed. Money makes fools and Jacksses out of folks who think they are happy with it. Yes, its nice to have it, take care of your lifes needs, and wish to have more, but that will always be, to have more, always more. I am happy to have 2 dollars some weeks to live off of. Two bucks. Needless to say, yes, I wish I had more, but not to be in excess. More like to give me a head start to do what was done for me, by others and give back. But done so with taste, diplomacy and responsibly. Meaning, if I were to inherit or win loads of cash I would make sure, I would use it wisely and done so, discreetly, responsibly. Life has already taught me, about having and not. Money is evil, if used unwisely, with a foolish mind and with malice intended to hurt others. Just my thoughts, Im sure many others would think otherwise, but that is ok. Just my point of view here.
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2005-11-08 21:44:55] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Money Buys Happiness… I Think NOT!
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Tuesday, 8th November 2005 @ 09:55:39 PM AEST (User
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I agree, while, I've had my hard times with money, not so much now, I'm still young, but the money I attain now was inherited. I've learned to be responsible - as responsible as someone my age can be lol, but yes, I've learned to manage it. But it does seem to be a daily whisper in the crowds "I wish I had more money". Happiness like you said, is something we find in ourselves, and in many cases, something we tend to find in others. Your write definitely pulled me in, it's very honest and understandable. Was a pleasure reading and I hope to see more.
-Cassy |
Re: Money Buys Happiness… I Think NOT!
(User Rating: 1 ) by emystar on
Sunday, 3rd September 2006 @ 08:39:56 PM AEST (User
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Dear, wise rose,
U have written a masterpeice here.
Thank God for my little country spot here.
Arkansas is the only state in the USA that if shut off from the planet we could survive off our natural resources.
Girlfriend you have grown in wisdom.
luv ya,
emy |