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Monday, 21st November 2005 @ 06:09:07 PM in AEST
For the sake of America It was important that the world saw your better side
For the sake of America It was important that THEIR crimes were not OUR crimes
For the sake of America It was important that everything was done justly
For the sake of America It was important that an example of morality was given
For the sake of America It was important that an example of honour was given
For the sake of America It was important that ethical conduct was upheld
For the sake of America It was important that barbarism was not met by barbarism
For the sake of America It was important that terror and torture were not met by the same
For the sake of America It was important that NEW sources were not created
For the sake of America It was important that she was above reproach
For the sake of America It was important that she gave the best possible example
For the sake of America It was important that she uphold true justice
George W Bush failed us ALL
Guantanamo Bay Hunger Strikers Are Determined To Die ... Unless Freed
Some 210 Guantanamo detainees have entered their 101st day of hunger strike.
They are committed to starving themselves to death in protest against their indefinite detention.
One of the hunger strikers, Shaker Aamer, a Saudi-born British resident with four children in London, forwarded a statement to the Sunday Herald outlining his wish to die rather than go on living in Guantanamo - a place dubbed 'the American Gulag'.
Aemer, who is one of the hunger strike co-ordinators, has dropped from 17st 12lbs to 9st 4lbs. 'I am dying here every day, mentally and physically, he wrote. 'This is happening to all of us. Rather than humiliate myself, I would rather hurry up a process that is going to happen anyway.'
He is represented by the acclaimed British human rights lawyer Clive Stafford-Smith, who says that the hunger strikers are being brutally force-fed. 'They are strapped down by their ankles, waist and head, have a tube put up their nose and into their stomach and it is kept in for 24 hours a day.'
Aamer's detention has led to kidney and lung problems, arthritis, permanent eye damage, tinnitus, skin disease, ulcers and mental problems.
'I would like to die quietly by myself,' he wrote. 'I want to make it easy on everyone. I want no feeding. No forced tubes, no 'help'. This is my legal right.'
in another statement, UK resident Omar Deghayes said he was on hunger strike because 'we are dying a slow death in here. You have to remember that we have not been charged with any crime. I do not understand what America is doing.'
The hunger strikers are also protesting against the continued detention of prisoners who have been liberated after they were found innocent through the Combatant status Review Tribunals, and at the detention of children in Guantanamo Bay. Stafford-Smith says that one of his clients was just 14 when he was detained.
Deghayes was blinded in one eye during a beating from camp guards. Another inmate had his back broken and is now in a wheelchair.
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2005-11-21 18:09:07] (Date/Time posted on
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(User Rating: 1 ) by Desolated_Denial on
Tuesday, 22nd November 2005 @ 12:54:59 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
I like that you believe in what you are writing, but it's a hopeless ideal, and you're poem is very one-sided/one-dimensional. It portrays a sense of arrogance.
Learn more about actual politics and find out how little power the president actually has ... then apply that. The president is not to blame ... no matter who it is, the president is merely a scapegoat |
(User Rating: 1 ) by ButchHoward on
Friday, 30th December 2005 @ 03:49:09 PM AEST (User
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Once again, history repeats itself. Let all who dare to attack America beware: You destroy our property and murder our citizens, you will pay a heavy price. If you don't believe it, ask the Japanese!
The terrorists have awakend the sleeping giant -once again. The terrorists are now reaping what they have sown. This will be a long war against the proud murderers of innocent women and children.
I have seen them cut off the heads of my countrymen - they seem so proud as they praise allah while they torture and murder the innocent. And you talk of hunger strikes?
The murderers and their associates currently being housed at Guantanamo Bay will soon be joined by many more of their murderous bretheren. They will stay there until our commander in chief determines they are no longer a threat. It will be a damned long time.
I suggest that anyone who would like to avoid being held against their will should not associate with terrorists.
Your pathetic one dimensional protest implies the inmates of Guantanamo are all innocent and were summarily picked up off the streets. They were captured while trying to kill or assist others in trying to kill our own people!
If you could stop watching CNN for long enough to find out the actual facts, maybe you wouldn't whine about the inhumannity of America and instead decry the evil of the muslim extremists who take joy in murdering innocent people.
For the sake of America
We will defend her to the death
We will uphold our constitution
For the sake of America
We will protect the innocent
We will even protect you
Semper Fidelis
Butch Howard