A task to laws and to loves
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Monday, 19th December 2005 @ 05:39:00 AM in AEST
A task to loves and to laws-poem. Loves indexes are average sexes. Divisions are components of powers and moneys. Businesses are on gods products when set. Investors are appointed on loves periods.
Signed positions are top powers. Covered loves are treasury bills. Treat by loves with your offers. Markets makers buy all issues.
For your services all loves are top off. Love accounts are fixed incomes. Executed by sexes are day trading. Who is the insiders and share all tasks.
A test live is a task to loves. A love bill is markets stocks. Shop the yolks or shop the yokes. Would drop on feet would host on tops.
Could be some movers or could be some shakers when crossed. Titans and tit bits are titillated titles. Somas on tops and songs are on bottoms. Song birds and foliages are loving minds.
Market your loves are with sex agents. Real images are with body loves. Mutual funs are playing games. Not work books but loves are with quotes.
Loves powers are with moneys ought. Ought not a live and ought not a man. Nominal loves are nom de plumes. But bees keepings are honey cakes.
Recharged cells are love ridden. Daisy wheels are love of disc. Words are printed with dilly dally. When zoos on beds then lions are tamed,.
Loves and moneys are ox or beefs. Yodel the loves are with sex tremolo. With no moneys or diamonds the dresses are not agreed. Loves are for gods and altars are for monks.
High courts are your living factors. But bad elements are your good methods. We are ahead of evil actions. Honors are ounces but resistances are ohms.
Bad laws are all good laws. Shield laws are gagged by one. Cut throats are closed shaved. Habeas corpus goes short.
Habits do not dressed with tired horses. Winds blows are by dark clouds. By blows Satan is true gods. Red tapes are with blue louses.
Under dogs are above hands. Under hands are blue bloods. Thinking on old earth is our ways. Absorb of views are subjects to look.
Synapses and syntaxes are front lobes. Routes on hubs are power links. Disconnected by flaws but governed by wrongs. Scuttled by axes and broken by winds.
A task to laws is a rule up man. A task to loves is baby rangers. Market your loves with sex agents. Enable to lie down are leaders masses.
Be charmed are loves in ice malls. Be calm are sex in fire lands. Calumnies steal your loves in forms. All claim forms are formal loves.
All sexes are measured for pretty songs. All laws are bad for all good. Leathers boots are marched for shows. Take the sooner and got all soon.
Moneys are pockets and monkeys are nuts. Sub-able juries swear in jungles. Juniors lawyers are in jungle gyms. All honors are on tests in eagle eyes.
Wordings are terms for swan songs. Work out your faiths on sums. Orange robes are not love oranges. Powers with ahoy are come up.
Arts of kisses are aide de camps. A task of arts is daily wages. A task of powers is over the lords. Works to rules are cups on worlds. --------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3--------
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2005-12-19 05:39:00] (Date/Time posted on
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