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Fairy Kites.

Contributed by bernard2 on Saturday, 7th January 2006 @ 05:36:14 AM in AEST
Topic: ChildrensPoetry

Sunshine, nothing but sunshine it is one of those days that stick in ones memory. A kite flying high in the sky catching my attention as it rose and sank, it is just a plaything of the wind, carried here and there by a string so fine that I cannot see it. Although the kite seems to be free, it is really a prisoner at the end of a piece of string. I must write this thought down and perhaps use it one day in a story that I will perhaps write. It was then that the fairies appeared flying alongside the kite, playing with it until one of them a little bolder than the rest actually rode the kite like a cowboy riding a bucking bronco.

Taking my binoculars from out of their case, I spent some time looking at the fairies. Some of the fairies I recognised two of them should have been in school. I remember wondering what excuse they had made to play truant like this. Fairies cannot stay interested in anything for any length of time and soon the kite was flying alone again. The last I saw of the fairies on this day was one of them sliding down the string that held the kite captive. The following day I went for my usual walk and saw many tiny kites flying in the sky. The fairies learn very quickly and some of the little kites were very sweet and skilfully made.

The following Saturday I was walking through the woods at the back of my garden when I again saw many fairies. All were busy colouring paper and collecting finely spun threads from a group of spiders. Spider threads are very strong and very sticky all the fairies know this and give the spiders a special berry to eat so that the threads are not sticky but quite dry. These threads are ideal for kite flying, very light and some of the kites fly very high in the sky. At first, the fairies did not see me, as they were far too busy making their kites. I remained silent and sitting down underneath a yew tree, I watched them in their exciting game of kite making.

I forgot this kite-flying incident and it was much later that I remembered it. Things in Fairy Land were back to normal one school day followed another and I saw the fairies at weekends when the came to my house to stay. Often when it was raining, I had many little visitors. It rained so much that the local river flooded trapping some rabbits that had not run to higher ground for safety. The fairies always help in times of danger and I saw them flying to this island that the river had formed. Each fairy was carrying a kite.

The fairies calmed the rabbits and as the fairies could not carry the rabbits to safety, they were going to try to rescue the rabbits with their kites. Each rabbit became a harness made of cobweb threads and attached to the harness were the kites. Pointing their magic wands to the sky, they made the rain stop and soon kites were flying and carrying the rabbits one by one to safety. Soon all the rabbits were in safety and the fairies all came back home to my house. It rained for over a week but all of the wild animals were safe and those fairies that were not at school stayed at my home until the sun shone again.

I forgot about the kite incident, things are back to normal no fairies are playing truant, and the weather is now sunny and bright. I still go for my walks and often see the fairies and the rabbits. In my back garden, I grow many kinds of lettuce and there are always enough for the rabbits. Carrots too are popular with the rabbits and I grow plenty of these as well. In fact, some times there are more rabbits in my back garden than fairies.

Copyright © bernard2 ... [ 2006-01-07 05:36:14]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: Fairy Kites. (User Rating: 1 )
by MorningDove on Saturday, 7th January 2006 @ 03:57:04 PM AEST
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I love to fly kites with my boys. Living in the country there is always wide open spaces with no power lines to intefer. We go out to the back pasture where there are no trees and fly the kites. I think my boys have a wee bit of the faerie in them, lol.

Hugs to you both,

Re: Fairy Kites. (User Rating: 1 )
by NoSaint on Saturday, 7th January 2006 @ 09:37:46 PM AEST
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I love to watch the kites flying


Re: Fairy Kites. (User Rating: 1 )
by Whisper on Sunday, 29th January 2006 @ 03:55:22 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Bravo Bernard :-) Nice write . Ya can almost see those fairies free.


Re: Fairy Kites. (User Rating: 1 )
by Whisper on Sunday, 5th February 2006 @ 02:44:02 AM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Most enjoyable write. You have a good touch with those fairies .Thanks for sharing


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