Vessel of clay
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Wednesday, 18th January 2006 @ 11:54:36 PM in AEST
There was a solitary, little lump of clay sitting in the corner of the room Waiting--maybe not patiently, but waiting very still wondering but won't presume "When will that unique one time come that my selection will be made to fill a need?" "Will I become a special created vessel or something that just has to be?" Meanwhile the little lump sits with water applied daily to keep it moist and not dry. While others are selected and placed on the potter's wheel, then the Master's hands apply. "Wow", the clay can hardly believe what happens as the others are beautifully molded. They become so fashionable and the curves are so smooth -- no deep pains are horded. Nothing seems to hinder the Master's hands as they caress the vessels of clay. Everything goes smoothly and the vessels are finished and set to dry, that day. "Gee, my turn must surely be next! Oh, I can hold still and let Him form me!" "I would make a gorgeous vessel to be used by a king -- please let it be..." But the Master potter moves on and reaches for the water once again, He carefully pours the right amount on the lump as He does so often. He yawns and calls it another day. He leaves and everything becomes still. "Ohh, Please Wait-I'm ready-Oh, please come back! Can't I be used for someone's frill?" And the the Master's voice came softly on the wind and I heard Him quietly say, "Be patient, my little one, be patient. I have a special task for you someday!" Another day passes as I watch the rich colors being applied to the dried vessels. They are soooo beautiful! I'm sure they will all be used by royalty and be special! The day quickly fades away and the paint is sealed and the brushes are cleaned and stored. The Master potter again reaches for the water and again He gently poured. "Ohhh--I'm sooo excited--surely tomorrow He will reach for me--it must be my day!" And again the warm, gentle breeze caressed me as it carried His loving words my way: "Stay patient, my little one, it won't be long! Your task will be special, as you are to me!" "I wonder what type of task it will be? It must be great cuz' the Master said it would be!" As the other vessels are being dried in the kiln, the Master reaches for the little lump of clay. "It's my turn--It's my turn, I can hardly contain myself--but will try to hold still today!" The Master then places me on the wheel and starts to gently mold while I am formed "I love His touch, but what kind of vessel is this?--A plain old cup? I feel deformed!!" "What is this you are making of me? What would a king want with something like this?" "Do you really have a special task for me -- or am I being led amiss?" The potter's workroom grew quite still and very quietly and with tears in His eyes, The Master leans over me and gently touches me as He whispers His reply: "I know this seems worthless to you, little one, but soon you will know the reason for you. Then I hope you will feel the honor for this task that I have chosen for you to do." There were no rich colors applied to my smooth surface to make me pretty and bright-- Just a finish thickly applied so I would be serviceable and water-tight. "Please, couldn't you make me a little prettier with some colorful hues?" "It just won't be necessary for this very special task that I choose." "Ok, I just can't imagine how something as drab as I will be worthwhile-- But I will humbly do your will and I will do it with a tiny smile." The day came when my task would take place in a crowd of hateful people screaming. There was a man there beaten beyond beaten and that crowd just kept on screaming. "Master, what am I suppose to do in this horrible place full of hate? Tell me, why would they need me here? What is soooo different about this date?" "That poor beaten, hated man that the soldiers nailed to that awful tree... Is there something I can do to help him?--He sure looks really thirsty!" "Hey soldier, let's give him something cool to drink--He really doesn't look bad!-- Oh No, not vinegar--that won't help his thirst--that will only make him sad!: "Please don't dip that dirty old sponge in me and offer it to him! The bitterness of what you are doing is too much and too grim!" "Master, please don't tell me that is what you had in mind for me to do-- I just wanted to help with a cool drink--I didn't want to be cruel!" Then on a cool, soft, breeze that carried the Master's words to me again to say, "This is just one of the prophecies that I needed you to fulfill today." "You see, my little one, it's my Son on that cross that is dying for sin's sacrifice. He had too, for you and also to pay for the sins of others -- His death would suffice." Who was I to help fulfill a prophecy like this for the Master's son? He did it all for me and you -- so we all can go free, thanks to His Son!
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2006-01-18 23:54:36] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Vessel of clay
(User Rating: 1 ) by paul_x_walker on
Thursday, 19th January 2006 @ 04:50:38 AM AEST (User
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awesome write |