one battle
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Monday, 6th February 2006 @ 03:06:43 PM in AEST
Bad demons spirits they dont exist come on adultry means marital bliss
wars and killings that is not sin those are old spirits remembering battles within
crystals tarots signs and stars thats just mother nature not satans scars
because thinking im a god and i control my own way doesn't mean in my soul evil does lay
i am not blind i walk truely straight i run my life there is luck but not fate
so i do not know who i love thats not for you to say who cares what sex in bed i lay
its just sex it wont kill me i wont be like my friend let me be
but what did you say about that man called christ that sounded so right it really felt nice
hum um sorry that was someone else just the body i govern im am one of a faust what do you want yea i know of his fame everyone of us scream when you say jesus name this is my soul i found it first you wouldnt belive how much this human thirsts now what do you want we want no part of his word trust me everyone in side has already heard this one wants flesh greed and cash lets see how far your god will last what does he promise a life of joy all they would be is just another toy why dont you come walk with me with our guidence you would be set free now let us alone your spirit makes us weak dont mention god your pityful and meek leave us alone we know are fate mabey you will get us until then ill wait
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2006-02-06 15:06:43] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: one battle
(User Rating: 1 ) by NoSaint on
Monday, 6th February 2006 @ 03:21:35 PM AEST (User
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very interesting truly a battle fought through many ages
NS |
Re: one battle
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Monday, 6th February 2006 @ 08:51:01 PM AEST (User
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Oh yes, you are very correct, and so many still do believe this. Your words should hit home to the many who feel this way, good points to write on.. its too bad for those who believe in saying, " I do not know, what will happen, I am just as knowledgeable as you are, how in the world should I know what will happen, we are all waiting just to see for ourselves." When people are speaking like that, they are actually setting their own future up, their own ways in thinking, acting, doing, especially speaking, is exactly what they will have in the end after their last breath. Its more than just an idea, a belief, it is life, He gave us life.. His seed, we are spirits. There is no such thing as I was born this or that, God made us all perfect in Him. Why would He make a person to do or to think they are such, when he despises all those things.. well, I really like your write, these words will send it home to many.. Just because a person cannot see or feel does not mean that He is not real. Only the ones who can go after, understand His wisdom shall be theirs. Remember, God does not go where He is not wanted, that in no means that He is not watching out for you. When one is ready, that is when He can help you... He will never force His children to do what they do not want.. with that.. it is entirely up to all of us to choose what we want.. in the end of this life here on earth.. is what we get... period.. we get what we deserve... 2 laws of faith simply means, to understand yourself.. respect yourself, and their are several others where in which a person needs to discover... once we decide to give up this silly battle and just realize we as humans are not the creators and do not have power from our creator we will all win.. what saddens me is.. their is so much potential in everyone, and yet they squander it.. we can say we hate or disbelieve all we want, but God which is Love ... pure Love cannot hate or disbelieve.. so actually we defeat our own purposes which He made us to be.. love. If you cannot have two emotions going on at the same time, how can you believe you can have love and hate both going on at the same time, and or.. to believe or not believe at the same time.. you can't win by straddling the fence, you are either on one side or the other... in that case.. stay up on top of the fence and don't come down, and keep still so others can go over the other side of that fence where there is Love.. raquel leah says, wonderful write, and I thank you so much for it... hugs |
Re: one battle
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Monday, 6th February 2006 @ 08:53:13 PM AEST (User
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Only the ones who can go after, understand His wisdom shall be theirs. Remember, God does not go where He is not wanted, that in no means that He is not watching out for you. When one is ready, that is when He can help you... He will never force His children to do what they do not want.. with that.. it is entirely up to all of us to choose what we want.. in the end of this life here on earth.. is what we get... period.. we get what we deserve... 2 laws of faith simply means, to understand yourself.. respect yourself, and their are several others where in which a person needs to discover... once we decide to give up this silly battle and just realize we as humans are not the creators and do not have power from our creator we will all win.. what saddens me is.. their is so much potential in everyone, and yet they squander it.. we can say we hate or disbelieve all we want, but God which is Love ... pure Love cannot hate or disbelieve.. so actually we defeat our own purposes which He made us to be.. love. If you cannot have two emotions going on at the same time, how can you believe you can have love and hate both going on at the same time, and or.. to believe or not believe at the same time.. you can't win by straddling the fence, you are either on one side or the other... in that case.. stay up on top of the fence and don't come down, and keep still so others can go over the other side of that fence where there is Love.. raquel leah says, wonderful write, and I thank you so much for it... hugs |