Contributed by
Tuesday, 28th January 2003 @ 07:40:00 AM in AEST
Smiles are such a wonderful uplifting blessing, To the one who is smiling and also to the person who sees you smile. Each person has the ability to perform this act of expression as sure as a bird goes into flight with it's wings. Smiles were created by God when He made man from the dust of earth's tile.
There is always a reason to smile even though you maybe in the midst of trials or trouble. Look around so closely for that something only you personally find awesome and lovely, Your heart inside your intermost being then beats quickly in amazement which makes your lips on the outside turn upward so subtle. Smiles with upmost certainty become so natural as you practice you see.
So I must say, smile each day as sure as the sun arises to start anew each day. Believe me, you will not have any regrets for all the smiles you share, contagious they are I say.
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2003-01-28 07:40:00] (Date/Time posted on
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