This Family
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Monday, 20th March 2006 @ 01:15:19 PM in AEST
The battlefield is the paper, knowledfge, ideas, can cause world movements, Anxiexty is at the root of this conflict, All want spiritual closure, but few have the patience, throwing signs by the wayside, not being honest to others of how muich faith you have at a given time, they will probably tell you to redirect your mind, To them I cry! Who are you to judge me? who are you to decide? the course of my thoughts with God, I let all feelings flow through me like blood or food, the Lord sends so many clues, all of them I must use, knowing it comes and goes, as the Lord allows, Prose poised to pacify, the bloodthirsty inner child, that is never satisfied, wildfire serpentine, shakes the skin of angst, only to find an ocean of of numbing pain, of a murky past, uncertainity hangs, memories only answer so much, the rest is left in God's hands, which means you can not take it for granted, duties we were given to use reason to protect freedom, at all costs, nothing more important than independence, from man made constructs, the influx of foreign concepts, are under scrutiny for they are denying liberty, yet nothing will breal the bonds of this family.
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2006-03-20 13:15:19] (Date/Time posted on