song cry
Contributed by
Monday, 10th April 2006 @ 06:32:26 PM in AEST
melodies of a once great love a song that mended our hearts and lifted our spirits quickly turned to a simple...forgotten memory a few...loose chords notes...jump across the page leaving a tune for the loveless a song so often over played
Melodies of a once great love a song that mended our hearts and lifted our spirits
Remains of a cannon expressing love, trust, and freedom swiftly taken from them replaced with an emblem that expresses nothing from before Each measure brings new damage to music already in despair what once was piano turns forte crescendos into a tune inraged no longer a peacful rythm that could calm all thee afraid
Melodies of a once great love a song that mended our hearts and lifted our spirits
Left us with broken tunes and empty notes a song cried across the skies melodies... torn in two an empty voice....once beautiful is all that remains of you
Melodies of a once great love a song that mended our hearts and lifted our spirits finally ceases to be allows us to dream but never to achieve instead spits at us music unfairly declared and tells of a love that was never there.
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2006-04-10 18:32:26] (Date/Time posted on
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