Red Hot Jealousy, Warning: Side Effects May Vary
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Friday, 12th May 2006 @ 11:49:08 PM in AEST
They say that Jealousy is green Well, I disagree I believe that it is a livid hot red that makes you forget how to cry It turns your insides out, the skin on the back of your head tightens and burns to the touch I've recently felt this Jealousy His girlfriend had a baby I left to go for a walk, once I heard, and I was livid I cooked alive inside I didn't know how to cry I wanted to vomit, but couldnt I went for a walk, in the rain, in the mist
Long ago, when his girlfriend was just his girlfriend, NOT the mother of his child, I abandoned him for another He didn't know, and still doesn't know, that I existed But the Other is charming The Other is sweet The Other is strong The Other loves me The Other does not exist At least not in the Real World The Other knows me, but only in my Mind But the red hot Jealousy still makes my flesh crawl in apoplectic rage He shall know pain He shall know much pain He will languish in the dungeons of my Memory Never again can he be brought up in conversation Or I will feel the need to taste his blood in my foaming mouth I shall seek revenge by ripping his flesh apart in my Jealous jaws His and his new family's flesh I feel it when I close my eyes The red hot rage returns And my boiling blood rushes past my ears and I cant hear a word anyone is saying I don't think in situations like these I just feel I feel the red hot Jealousy running, coursing, surging through my veins If I had strong powers, I would have him struck by lightning If only If only If only I didn't give a s*** Then I wouldn't feel it The red hot Jealousy that comes back each time I think about it Why not just STOP thinking about it, you ask? It is not as easy as that First, I must visualize him getting mauled alive by rabid weasels Then I must hex him If that doesn't work, then I must go and kill him under the pale moonlight Preferably, where his darn girlfriend can see it I will pour oil or whiskey all over him, then I will light a match, he will ask me why it has to end this way, and I will say 'Because you are a terrible person, and I am saving you' then I will set him aflame Then I will realize too late what I have done, and I will set MYSELF aflame And his loser girlfriend, and the stupid baby, will die out of losing the will to live Somehow, in the middle of it all, I will get something out of it, though I'm still not sure what I guess I'll have to work out the details sometime But anything I do will bring back that red hot Jealousy Will turn my insides out Will make the skin at the back of my head tighten and burn to the touch Will make me forget how to cry Will land me in prison Or some equally Hellish place But I won't care Because in Death and in Life, Revenge can be as sweet as honey This time will make all the difference
They say that Jealousy is green Well, I disagree
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2006-05-12 23:49:08] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Red Hot Jealousy, Warning: Side Effects May Vary
(User Rating: 1 ) by Lo2681 on
Saturday, 13th May 2006 @ 01:09:19 AM AEST (User
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Yes we have all been jealous at one point or another. Don't let it consume you though because jealousy only hurts yourself. Great write. I have been there.
~Lo |
Re: Red Hot Jealousy, Warning: Side Effects May Vary
(User Rating: 1 ) by yackerz85 on
Saturday, 13th May 2006 @ 08:29:55 AM AEST (User
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I you keep thinking that way you'll probably give yourself a stroke or something. You should find someone else and just forget about the loser.
Its a great poem, however.
~Mark~ |
Re: Red Hot Jealousy, Warning: Side Effects May Vary
(User Rating: 1 ) by Elizabeth_Dandy on
Saturday, 13th May 2006 @ 08:47:18 AM AEST (User
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This is a great and vivid description of the dimension of jealousy that can take over to the point to imsanity.
Why not use it creatively, - like a sort of "Night of the Spirit" to be dwelled in and endured, for the maturation of soul, and to exit therefrom ever so much richer from the experience.
Great poem.
Many can identify with it.
Elizabeth |