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Safely Dead

Contributed by Man_On_High on Sunday, 28th May 2006 @ 12:05:14 AM in AEST
Topic: EmotionalPoetry

When I yield to the ultimate folly and die
Oh, in the vast unforeseeable by-and-by
promise me folks that you will send
no plastic roses at the end
shed no inordinate tears
nor harbor any nagging fears
that after I am safely gone
I will desecrate your dawn
with ghostly quiet or confusion
shattering all your fond illusion
that the world really is quite free of me
for the rest of its eternity.

In death as never once in life
as safe remove from temporal strife
as if good breeding with the worms began
I shall become quite the gentleman
and like an ever perfect host
preserve you from my inquisitive ghost
and from the unseemly flood of language
that has caused you such dire and painful anguish
and surely you will smile to see
how solicitous and pleasant I can be
how uncommonly courteous and brave
from the silent and peaceful side of the grave
though you might brush a tear from your eye
and aspire to breath a wondering sigh
that such a weight of words should be
gone clean into the earth with me
with barely a tremor left behind
to aggravate your harried mind
hardly more than a published blurb
to puzzle and momentarily perturb
the new found rhythm of your days
and you finally free of my boorish ways
a philosophical drink by your side
alone in the companionable evening tide
with me not there to plunder your peace
with unstoppable blather without cease
while silently suffering you lift your cup
and mutely implore me to drink the **** up...

Ah dearest hearts if you will but wait
I promise to make the best of my fate
nevermore causing you a moment's trouble
and I but a mere ectoplasmic bubble
swaying beyond and painlessly led-
gruff and garrulous and safely dead.


Copyright © Man_On_High ... [ 2006-05-28 00:05:14]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by Jenni_K on Sunday, 28th May 2006 @ 12:24:00 AM AEST
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Quite the charmer!! (as always)
Enjoyed this....

Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by emystar on Sunday, 28th May 2006 @ 12:25:26 AM AEST
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Very different to say the least.
Great writing as always.

Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by wizard on Sunday, 28th May 2006 @ 12:44:40 AM AEST
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magnificent write bro.

i am, as often happens after reading your work, rendered speechless.

nice job,


Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by ever1der on Sunday, 28th May 2006 @ 01:46:20 AM AEST
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The rhyme and meter were pretty good..I usually avoid dark poetry though.

Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by Eternal_Dreamer on Sunday, 28th May 2006 @ 02:09:01 AM AEST
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My, you had me read this over and over again.
Poetry is always left up to the reader to interpret it which ever way they want to. That's the magic of it.
Mixed emotions pour out of this magnificient and brilliantly penned masterpiece. You, the poet express urself so well that u make ur reader feel what u are feeling. Not many can do that. Your natural ability to do this is incredible. I am an avid fan of ur remarkable work Billy~

with me not there to plunder your peace
with unstoppable blather without cease
while silently suffering you lift your cup
and mutely implore me to drink the **** up...

Superbly penned these lines stand out as all the others do too, but this one tops it off for me. Way to go Billy~ Keep up the fantastic work.
love n hugs from ur fan/friend,
~*suzie Q*~

Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by Elizabeth_Dandy on Sunday, 28th May 2006 @ 10:08:35 AM AEST
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I can say no more but echo previous commenter, - Sue.
except to say that the reverberation of the "blather" ring unstoppable and utterly ignore any cups and invitations to drink up.

You know - that our Lord Christ spoke often ironically.?
availed Himself of the gift of Irony.?
Praise to Him for availing Himself of it and those that use it.
Brilliantly used in above rhymes.

Your Attentive Maverick reader.

Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by Former_Member on Sunday, 28th May 2006 @ 12:08:20 PM AEST
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Wow! do i detect a note of discontent? saying this poem speaks 4 itself gives new meaning 2 the word understatment. None the less a most powerful write maybey the best of your powerful writes. Glad i'm not on the receiving end of this well, as a reader i am lol. none the less a priceless M.O.H. work of art.

your New England bro.


Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by Former_Member on Sunday, 28th May 2006 @ 01:03:40 PM AEST
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Dearest Billy~

What an enormous wealth of emotion lies within your soul. And how beautiful
that you, after deliberation and conceivable foundation of thought within your
mind you can fill a page with words so utterly profound and yet easily understood.

And in as little time as it takes to think.

I, as always, both admire and envy that. The recent events that led you to this piece
in no way hinder your ability to capture a moment...a thought... an unspeakable
emotion. This piece both moves and unnerves me, for numerous reasons. For
one, it is unsettling for me to think of you as. . . "safely dead" at any time. Also, in
all it's sadness there is still an element of sweet release here. A masterful
portrayal in that. Right there. To realize that with an ending . . . there is a beginning . . .
[whatever that beginning may turn out to be]. And be able to let go.And not just let
go, but be comfortable in doing so, [considering what others may feel or think]
I dunno . . . maybe I am just reading too much into this, but it speaks to me of a
notion I have toyed with many a time. Especially during times of anguish and pain.

In any case, whatever you feel, this is positively erupting with perception
and vision. That which, I believe, we all have at one time or another . . . at least
given thought to.

As always . . . a flawless conception.

Humbly, and affectionately yours~

(you changed it ever so slightly - but I understand the changes . . . )

Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by Vampirequeen on Tuesday, 30th May 2006 @ 11:17:24 PM AEST
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wow i really love this.
To me its beautiful and quite emotional piece.
awsome job.

Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by Jyssvw on Wednesday, 31st May 2006 @ 03:41:26 PM AEST
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What a way to go.

“Ah dearest hearts if you will but wait
I promise to make the best of my fate”

These words brought it home…good to know your willing to wait..lol…

Nicely done

Re: Safely Dead (User Rating: 1 )
by Silent-No-More on Monday, 5th June 2006 @ 10:03:50 PM AEST
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I can't believe no one has remarked on the ending as yet. Boy! What an insanely fabulous ending!!!

swaying beyond and painlessly led-
gruff and garrulous and safely dead.

Just... wow.

This entire piece blows me away. I've been to this page before but couldn't think of a single thing that I could say that would adequately express my thoughts on this work. You've given the casual reader an unbelievable feast to sink their teeth into. Ah, but those that read less casually will no doubt realize that you've offered, too, (if they pause here long enough and look well enough) a full cup to wash it down with. I'm still pondering what exactly is in that cup (blood? sweat? tears?) - but it burns a bit going down, and it leaves quite a fire in one's belly. It is -

Seriously potent, Billy. Unbelievably so.

I'll be back here again I know.


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