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Wednesday, 7th June 2006 @ 11:44:28 AM in AEST
Taking a glimpse from the past im in my future at last all is said and done the laughter and pain now gone the good times and the bad the trauma and the love I had he pealed my heart off the walls showed me how love really falls in trauma and love all at once not really ready for that mess yet he showed me how I could be loved showed me what I now really want he found me at a time in my life where desperately my heart struggled to stay alive yet when fine and working again he left , gone with the wind that pain was so great why couldnt he stay I guess I needed to fly and find my way yet here I am, for much time has past I have forgotten him at last going on with my life taking it in my stride he was once my life support for my once breathless beating heart now it beats on its own independent and strong my heart has grown but here I find a photograph in it shows the love together we had unable to seer through it with a knife a love unique neither him or I could deny he healed my heart with tears, love and laughter my best friend I will always seek for in the deep recesses of my heart even when I think him, I have forgotten he will always be my hero and friend that for I will always long when glimpses of our past seek its way up not to be forgotten of our love
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2006-06-07 11:44:28] (Date/Time posted on
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(User Rating: 1 ) by Spike on
Tuesday, 27th June 2006 @ 07:30:45 AM AEST (User
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Fine sentiment indeed. Yes, we move on, grow up, grow old, build lives, families, fortresses (sometimes around our hearts as much as over our heads). Then we find those old love letters, that pesky photo, and the nostalgia, the moment floods back.
maybe we never lose these memories, and just have to learn to accomodate them elsewhere. This post brought up some old feelins,alright.
Spike |
(User Rating: 1 ) by ninamarie on
Sunday, 2nd July 2006 @ 11:03:15 AM AEST (User
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I've always heard the saying that there are friends of the heart and friends of the road. Some people come into your life for a brief moment to only serve a single purpose, which could be to get you through a tough time or to teach you a lesson etc.. Then they are gone because that is how it is meant to be. Friends of the heart are the ones that no matter how far apart you may be at times you still keep contact with them. Neither friend is better or worse, each person that enters your life is there for a reason whether at the time you realize it or not. |